
  • ²έΑρΙηΗψ Board Members
    ²έΑρΙηΗψ Board


²έΑρΙηΗψ is governed by an independent non-executive Board that meets five times a year. Ultimate legal responsibility for ²έΑρΙηΗψ' operations rests with the Board. The Board appoints the Director and delegates the running of ²έΑρΙηΗψ to the Director and the executive team.

The Board is supported by a range of sub-committees:

Research, Enterprise & Innovation Commission (chair: Prof Colin Brownlees)

Education Committee (chair: Dr Deborah McNeill)

Communications & Engagement Committee (chair: Susan Watts)

Finance Committe (chair: Eric Hollanders)

Audit Committee (chair: Dr Ian Jardine) - which monitors the integrity of financial reporting, internal controls and risk management systems, whistleblowing and internal audit and liaises with the external auditors


Governing documents

²έΑρΙηΗψ Articles of Association (last updated 2023)

Memorandum of Association


Latest Annual Report

2021-22 annual report


Non-executive trustees


Chair / Trustee

Diana Murray CBE (2019-2022;, 2021-2024)


Trustees / board members 

Professor John Baxter (2018-2021, 2021-2024)

Professor Colin Brownlee (2018-2021, 2021-2024)

Lisa Chilton (2018-2021, 2021-2024)

Dr Deborah McNeill (2018-2021, 2021-2024)

Colin Moffat (2021-2024)

Dr Magnus Nicolson (2019-2022)

Professor Richard Waites (2021-2024)

Susan Watts (2018-2021, 2021-2024)

Douglas Wallace (2023-)

Adam Christie (2023-)

Alun Williams (2023-)

Ian Jardine (2023-)


Susan Waldron (UKRI-NERC), Morag Goodfellow (HIE), Professor Neil Simco (UHI), Danny Morrisson (HISA), Dr Clive Fox & Richard Dale (staff representatives)


The ²έΑρΙηΗψ executive team 

Director & Managing Director of SRSL

Professor Nicholas JP Owens

Deputy Director

Professor Axel EJ Miller 

Associate Director, Science and Research

Professor Ben Wilson

Associate Director, Science and Education

Professor Keith Davidson

Associate Director, Science, Enterprise and Innovation

Professor Michele Stanley

Head of Human Resources

Hazel Farnell

Head of Enterprise

Mike Spain

Head of Financial Services

John Barrie


Company Secretary

Ann MacKenzie

Directors of ²έΑρΙηΗψ Enterprise

Dr Pushkar Wadke

Professor Axel EJ Miller

Professor Nicholas JP Owens (chair)