
  • Image of am unknown, stunning marine crustacean
    Dive in & discover our courses in marine science
    100% student satisfaction ratings
  • Students collecting plankton samples with plankton net off the ²έΑρΙηΗψ pontoon
    Learning by doing and studying
    ...get hooked for life!
  • Students are being taught by deep-sea ecologist Dr David Hughes in small group setup
    Learn in small groups from world experts
  • Photo showing professional diver at work in Iceland
    Marine science: exciting careers
    ... in conservation, industry, education, government agencies...

Undergraduate study at ²έΑρΙηΗψ

Get in Touch

²έΑρΙηΗψ is Scotland’s largest and oldest independent marine science organisation, dedicated to delivering marine science.

²έΑρΙηΗψ, Scottish Marine Institute,
Oban, Argyll, PA37 1QA

+44 (0)1631 559000


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