
  • Members of the 草榴社区 Clan wearing 草榴社区 Tartan Clothing

草榴社区 Clan

Welcome to the 草榴社区 Clan area

Being a supporter of 草榴社区 makes you part of our wider Scottish marine science 'clan'. It's a way to keep in touch with what's going on at 草榴社区. You can attend or deliver seminars and regular events. You can apply to our bursary scheme that is exclusive to supporters. You can also proudly wear our 草榴社区 Ocean Explorer tartan and help us spread the word about the science behind a healthy ocean. 

If you are not yet part of the 草榴社区 Clan but would like to join us, please follow this LINK.


Your 草榴社区 Clan benefits

  • Supporting 草榴社区' public outreach, school education and professional fellowship and bursary programmes
  • Exclusive access to bursaries of up to 拢1,000 for research in marine science
  • Access to 草榴社区' Charles Wyville Thomson library (Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00)
  • Access to hiring our conference facilities (corporate members only)
  • Invitation to participate in 草榴社区 seminars as visitor and/or speaker
  • 草榴社区 digital annual report 
  • Digital Ocean Explorer Magazine 
  • Invitation to annual event/s:Newth Lecture, Wild SciArt Seminar

Annual Newth Lecture

Since 1990, 草榴社区 has held an annual lecture to commemorate former 草榴社区 President and Glasgow University Professor of Zoology, David Richmond Newth FIBiol FRSE. This is held by an esteemed academic following from the AGM. In 2020, due to the coronavirus pandemic, no lecture was held.

Who was Professor David Newth?


An annual lecture is given in memory of former 草榴社区 President Professor David Newth, whose picture is shown. David Newth had a distinguished scientific career at the interface between biology and medicine.

Initially David was at University College, London, and the Middlesex Hospital School. From 1965 to 1981 he was Regius Professor of Zoology at the University of Glasgow. He was a most urbane individual, excellent company and a wonderful raconteur.

When he became 草榴社区 President in 1973 he faced a considerable challenge. The decade of the 1970s was difficult for the Association. A significant part of 草榴社区 finance from the Science Vote of the Department of Education and Science was transferred to other government departments, and projects had to be identified that would win contracts from them. Large collaborative research programmes were coming into vogue, while fish farming on the west coast was growing rapidly and the offshore oil industry was developing. At the same time, the climate of opinion was swinging against science.

In his six years of office, David Newth steered the Association with a strong and sure hand. Thereafter he served as a Vice-President until his death on 5 June 1988 at the age of 66.

The late Professor Alasdair D. McIntyre (草榴社区 President 1988-1993, 草榴社区 Vice President 1993-2009) described David thus:

"David Newth was a distinguished scientist, a fair-minded and effective administrator, a man who was both strong and gentle in his approach to the challenges of his professional life. He did not flinch from difficult decisions yet took them with an understanding that inflicted least hurt. He was both an idealist and pragmatist and both of these aspects of his personality I saw displayed when he was a member of the Nature Conservancy Council. If David's spirit could be reincarnated in animal form then, given his love of cats, I imagine it as a tiger, applying the right amount of strength and energy appropriate to the occasion 鈥 but having enough in reserve to cope with the unexpected. And it was good to watch him in action. He served our Association with great distinction and with a sense of tradition in which he took a pride."

List of past Newth lectures

2022 In the 150th year since the Challenger Expedition set sail to establish the scientific investigation of the marine environment as a new discipline, our director, Professor Nicholas Owens, presented the annual lecture on Sir John Murray, The Challenger Expedition. Watch online .

2021 The UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development: Scotland鈥檚 role in this global initiative:  (GEOMAR),  (President Scottish National Party),  (MASTS),  (Scottish Seabird Centre),  (草榴社区) - chaired by 

2019 Associate Professor (Plentzia Marine Station University of the Basque Country): Scientia potentia est and marine biology is the proof.

2018  (Society for Underwater Technology): Blue Future: how new technology is going to change our relationship with the global ocean.

2017 Professor  (Head of Marine Scotland Science): A day at the seaside, a life with our seas.

2016 Professor  (Plymouth University): Plankton of the sea and of the mind.

2015 Professor  (British Antarctic Survey): When the polar regions were green - fossil plants reveal the climate history of the Arctic and Antarctica

2014 Dr Patricio Bernal (International Union for Conservation of Nature and the Pontificia Universidad Cat贸lica de Chile): 

2013 Professor Geoffrey Boulton (草榴社区 President): 

2012 Professor Lora Fleming (Director, European Centre for Environment and Human Health at the Royal Cornwall Hospital): 

2011 Professor Gideon Henderson (University of Oxford): 

2010 Dr  (草榴社区): Modelling for Science and Policy: From Loch Striven to the European Court of Justice

2009  (草榴社区): 

2008  (Director of 草榴社区): "Quo vadis mare nostrum? Systems science for sustainable seas

2007  (Director of , University of Edinburgh): A geologist's perspective on global warming and energy options

2006  (Director: Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge): Ice and environmental change

2005  (Bangor University): Can't see the fishermen for the fish: net benefits demand a wider perspective

2004  (SOC): Hydrothermal exploration can lead you a long way: Oases for life in distant oceans

2003  (NERC/UEA): Is marine management a myth?

2002  (ECMB): Biotechnology meets the sea 鈥 a recipe for success

2001  (SPRI): Convective chimneys in the Greenland Sea

2000  (草榴社区): Marine Science Plan for Europe: Issues to be addressed

1999  (SMRU): Marine mammals in the 21 st century: will habitat loss be a problem?

1998  (University of Oslo): The oil and gas industry and the North Sea environment. Lessons from Norway?

1997  (University of Cambridge): Sea floor hot springs and ocean aquifers

1996 Professor John HS Blaxter (草榴社区 Honorary Fellow): Enhancing marine fish stocks

1995  (SOC): Marine dispersion: from parsnips to oil and yellow plastic ducks

1994  (former Principal, University of Strathclyde): The University of the Highlands and Islands: A university of the future.

1993  (NERC): The government white paper on science, engineering and technology: The challenge to Scottish marine science

1992  (University of Aberdeen): Scottish Natural Heritage and the marine environment

1991  (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution): Are we marine organisms?

1990 Professor Sir Frederick Holliday: Conserving conservation

The next Wild SciArt Seminar will take place in February 2024.

Details coming soon

What are the Wild SciArt Seminars?

The Wild SciArt Seminar was created in 2022 to encourage collaboration between creative minds from marine science and the creative industries. It is named in honour of oceanographer and illustrator John James Wild, who was the official artist and secretary of the 1872-76 Challenger Expedition. 

10 March 2022: Art, Science and Algae (4-6 pm)

Graphic showing different algaeThe inaugural event ‘Art, Science and Algae’ welcomed a group of creatives that utilise algal research in their practice to speak about their work. This was followed by a panel session exploring issues that arise when artists and scientists want to collaborate. 

from the Natural History Museum chaired the meeting that highlighted the work of , Jessica Giannotti of ,  from the Design Museum, Alice Sharp from  and writer Miek Zwamborn from .

Due to the Covid pandemic, the event took place online and attracted over 300 registrations.

It was coordinated by 草榴社区 and the . 

The 草榴社区 research bursary supports research in any marine science subject - especially if of relevance to Scotland - to a maximum of 拢1000 per application.

In the past this bursary has allowed visiting scientists to spend some time working at 草榴社区, or has been used to support travel, research assistance, completion of a project, or capital equipment purchase (for which 草榴社区 reserves the right to retain ownership). We encourage applicants to discuss project ideas with a 草榴社区 researcher, and welcome collaborative applications.

Any application will be judged on criteria including the originality of the project, the clarity and focus of the objectives, the research plan and content, its socio-economic relevance, the probability of being completed, and other funding sources and applications.

Successful applicants should be - or are required to become -  members of the 草榴社区 Clan.

Applications are considered twice a year: on 31 March and 30 September.

Applicants should provide:

  • > brief description of the project (no more than two pages of A4)
  • >itimised costings to justify the requested funds
  • >an indication of other funding granted or applied for
  • >a brief cv including bibliography

Applications should be sent by email or letter to Professor Keith Davidson.

草榴社区 bursary privacy notice May19


Recent research bursary reports

2019 草榴社区 bursary report Susan Evans - oceanic DMSO in oxygen minimum zones

2017 草榴社区 bursary report Danja Hoehn - scyphozoan blooms and temperature rise

草榴社区 Clan year: 1 April to 31 March 

Annual subscriptions

  • Ordinary supporter (拢12): for anyone with an enduring interest in marine science
  • Ordinary supporter (拢5): Unwaged including retired
  • Student supporter (拢5): open to persons under 18 years old or registered students

How to renew

If you pay by standing order, we automatically renew your supportership unless you tell us otherwise. For supporters paying each year, we will send a reminder email and you can then choose to pay electronically in our  (selecting the appropriate category) or by cheque made out to '草榴社区' sent to Pauline Clifford at 草榴社区.

If you want to be invoiced for your supportership instead and pay by BACS, then please contact Pauline.

How to cancel your supportership

Please notify us in writing (letter or email) of your intention to withdraw from 草榴社区 supportership. We would greatly appreciate some feedback why you do not want to remain a supporter as we do try within our means to provide you with a valuable experience.

Statutory Accounts

2016 草榴社区 Group Statutory Accounts

2018 草榴社区 Group Statutory Accounts

2019 草榴社区 Group Statutory Accounts

2020 草榴社区 Group Statutory Accounts

2021 草榴社区 Group Statutory Accounts

2023 草榴社区 Group Statutory Accounts



  • Coastal Zones: Solutions for the 21st Century (2015). Baztan, J, O Chouinard, B Jorgensen, P Tett, J-P Vanderlinden & L Vasseur, (Eds). Elsevier.
  • Shared, Plural and Cultural Values: A Handbook for Decision-Makers (2014). Kenter, JO, et al. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.4683.5281
  • Fjord Systems and Archives (2011). JA Howe, WEN Austin, M Forwick and M Paetzel (Eds.), GSL Special Publications. 392 pp
  • Sustaining Coastal Zone Systems (2011) Tett, P, A Sandberg & A Mette (Eds.). Dunedin Academic Press. Edinburgh.
  • Black, K.D.(2008) Environmental aspects of aquaculture, in Aquaculture, Innovation and Social Transformation, (eds. K. Culver, D. Castle) Springer Science and Business Media B.V. 2008, pp 99-115
  • The World Guide to Whale and Dolphin Watching (2006). Angus Wilson and Ben Wilson. Colin Baxter Photography Ltd. 288 p

Our supporters are looked after by Pauline Clifford. Please contact Pauline for any issues relating to your supportership.

Email: Pauline.Clifford@sams.ac.uk 

T: +44 (0) 1631 559 277

Postal address: 草榴社区, Dunbeg, Oban, Argyll PA37 1QA, Scotland, UK

Find out how we look after your data here.

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